És Theory
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Negative Hallucinosis in Wilfred Bion's Theory of Transformations On Finding One's Ghost - Rodrigo Barahona
1 381 Sk
Student Manual for Corey's Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy Cengage
1 898 - 1 933 Sk
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Louis Cazamian´s Theory of Humour Ševčík, MilošMonografie se věnuje úvahám francouzského historika a teoretika literatury Louise Cazamiana, které jsou věnovány povaze humoru. Představuje návaznost těchto úvah na Bergsonovu teorii komična jako kontrastu mezi životem a automatismem... |
8,65 € |
Radical Approach to Lebesgue's Theory of IntegrationMeant for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics, this lively introduction to measure theory and Lebesgue integration is rooted in and motivated by the historical questions that led to its development. The author stresses the original purpose of the definitions and theorems and ... |
59,84 € |
Aquinas's Theory of Natural LawRecognized as one of the greatest minds of the middle ages, Aquinas's ideas--highly influential on the development of Christian doctrine--are still of fundamental philosophical importance today. This new critique of his theory of natural law discusses the theory's origins with Aristotle and advances... |
46,90 € |
"Jp Roth's Theory of Magic" ("Roth Jp")""Die, die the hand is mine, to be human, is to live your life in the blind." "There was mud in my mouth, my knees dripped blood onto the uneven pavement--little spatters of crimson rain. I bit down on my fist. I wouldn't cry, it would only distract me from running." "Ahead of me, a little girl ... |
16,56 € |
"Goethe's Theory of Colours" ("Goethe Johann Wolfgang Von")" First published in German in 1810, this detailed volume was translated from the German by Charles Lock Eastlake and, in six parts, examines every aspect of Goethe's theory of colours, including psychological colours, chemical colours, the moral effect of colour, minerals, plants, insects, mammals ... |
58,64 € |
"Thinking Goes to School: Piaget's Theory in Practice" ("Furth Hans G.") |
31,44 € |
"Louis Bachelier's Theory of Speculation: The Origins of Modern Finance" ("Bachelier Louis")" French doctoral student, Louis Bachelier, successfully defended his thesis Th orie de la Sp culation at the Sorbonne. This book provides a new translation of Bachelier's seminal work. Bachelier's thesis is a remarkable document on two counts. In mathematical terms Bachelier's achievement was to... |
15,64 € |
On Riemann's Theory of Algebraic Functions and Their IntegralsGerman mathematician FELIX KLEIN (1849-1925), a great teacher and scientific thinker, significantly advanced the field of mathematical physics and made a number of profound discoveries in the field of geometry. In his scholarly supplement to Riemann's complex mathematical theory, rather than offer p... |
13,69 € |
"Economy and Theology: Cusanus's Theory of Value" ("Kijewska Agnieszka")"Economy and Theology: Cusanus' Theory of Value, a study from the field of the history of philosophy, responds to the present-day interest in what is referred to as economic |
76,28 € |
"Karl Marx on Socialist Theory and Practice: Rethinking Marx's Theory of Human Emancipation" ("Xiaoping Wei")"1. The Real Man in the Objectified Relationship2. Concept of Preposition and Analysis on Relevant Issues3. Marx's Economic Analysis and Sociological Critique of Capitalism4. The logic of Marx's view of emancipation5. Marxian and non-Marxian theories: what is the Demarcation?6. Marxian and non-Marxi... |
64,24 € |
The Stock Market Barometer: A Study of Its Forecast Value Based On Charles H. Dow's Theory of the Price Movement |
27,09 € |
"The Sagan Conspiracy: Nasa's Untold Plot to Suppress the People's Scientist's Theory of Ancient Aliens" ("Zygutis Donald")"We assume that there exists in the galaxy a loosely integrated community of diverse civilizations, cooperating in the exploration and sampling of astronomical objects and their inhabitants .It follows that there is the statistical likelihood that Earth was visited by an advanced extraterrestrial ci... |
14,24 € |
Ego in Freud's Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis, 1954-1955This Seminar, together with Seminar I, which was published simultaneously, was worked on by both translators so as to produce uniformity in both terminology and style. Considerable attention was paid to the practices of previous translators of Lacan, in particular Anthony Wilden, Alan Sheridan, Stua... |
21,55 € |
"Student Manual for Corey's Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy" ("Corey Gerald")"This manual contains structured self-awareness exercises that help you gain a deeper self-understanding and grasp the concepts of the various |
63,00 € |
Goethe's Theory of KnowledgeAs the editor of Goethes scientific writings during the 1880s, Rudolf Steiner became immersed in a worldview that paralleled and amplified his own views in relation to epistemology, the interface between science and philosophy, the theory of how we know the world and ourselves. At the time, like muc... |
17,32 € |
"Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques" ("Suvarna Kim S.")" For 40 years, Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques has established itself as the standard reference for histotechnologists and laboratory scientists, as well as histopathologists. With coverage of the full range of histological techniques used in medical laboratories and patho... |
259,52 € |
"Microeconomic Theory: A Heterodox Approach" ("Lee Frederic S.")" Microeconomic Theory: A Heterodox Approach develops a heterodox economic theory that explains the economy as the social provisioning process at the micro level. Heterodox microeconomics explores the economy with a focus on its constituent parts and their reproduction and recurrence, their integrat... |
57,96 € |
"Introduction to Einstein's Theory of Relativity: From Newton's Attractive Gravity to the Repulsive Gravity of Vacuum Energy" ("Grn yvind")"The revised and updated 2nd edition of this established textbook provides a self-contained introduction to the general theory of relativity, describing not only the physical principles and applications of the theory, but also the mathematics needed, in particular the calculus of differential forms.... |
92,88 € |
"Snow's Theory and Practice of Color" ("Snow Bonnie E.") |
30,64 € |
Goethe's Theory of KnowledgeAs the editor of Goethes scientific writings during the 1880s, Rudolf Steiner became immersed in a worldview that paralleled and amplified his own views in relation to epistemology, the interface between science and philosophy, the theory of how we know the world and ourselves. At the time, like muc... |
17,32 € |
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